Murder and aggravated assault cases are complex and often involve a lot of scientific evidence and expert testimony.  To deal with this complexity you need an experienced defense attorney who has been there before.  Nathan Freeburg has defended cases of premeditated murder, attempted murder, aggravated assault and simple battery.

Under Washington, D.C. law, you are guilty of first degree murder if you kill someone with premeditation (which basically means you thought about it ahead of time), or kill someone while committing another felony (such as robbery). You are guilty of second degree murder if you intentionally kill someone but did not premeditate it. The punishment for first degree murder in Washington, D.C., is a mandatory 30-year prison sentence going up to life imprisonment. Under certain circumstances, such as “heat of passion”, a murder charge can be reduced to voluntary manslaughter.

In Washington, D.C., a person may be charged with misdemeanor simple assault, assault with significant injury, or aggravated assault. Simple assault involves the intent to intentionally injure someone, or in some cases to frighten them. Simple assault convictions in Washington, D.C., are punishable by a fine of up to $1,000, as well as a period of imprisonment of up to 180 days.

Assault with actual significant injury occurs when the resulting injury requires hospitalization or immediate medical attention. In Washington, D.C., an assault with significant injury charge carries a potential prison sentence of up to three years and a potential fine of up to $12,500.

In Washington, D.D., an aggravated assault is an assault resulting in “serious bodily injury.” “Serious bodily injury” can be an injury that creates a substantial risk of death, unconsciousness, extreme physical pain, or protracted and obvious disfigurement. An aggravated assault charge can result in up to a ten year prison sentence and a fine of up to $25,000.

I can fight for you in every stage of a trial for murder, aggravated assault or even simple assault. I can be hired at any time in the process, even when you are “only” under investigation. (The advice of an experienced defense lawyer is especially critical when you are under investigation.) Sometimes it is possible to avoid the allegations against you even going to a criminal trial.

You need a fighting defense lawyer because the criminal justice system is constructed with a simple goal in mind: to convict you and deliver the highest possible sentence. You will be pressured on every front to plead guilty, even though you are innocent of the charges. Occasionally, as a last resort, a plea deal of some sort is in your best interest; but only after an aggressive and accomplished lawyer has developed the leverage over the prosecution to get you the best deal possible. Often, you should simply fight tenaciously for your freedom. You need a lawyer who will do this every step of the way in a case involving murder or assault charges.